Friday, July 31, 2020

John 1:12-13

But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God,  who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.

How precious are you?
God breathed you into life.

How important are you?
God dreamed you into being.

Whose child are you?

The One who crafted you out of His will.
The One who made you and shaped you.

The One who has carried you.
The One who has loved you.

The One who cries with you.
The One who holds your tears
and carries your pain.

The One who has paid your debts in full.

The One who has already purchased your future
and now holds it wrapped and ready.

The One who can’t wait for Christmas,
who can't wait to see your face

when you tear off the wrapping paper
and rip open that gift.

You are a child of God.
You belong to no one else.

You are loved with an eternal and infinite love.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

It’s enough.

Some days, all God needs
you to do is wake up and open
your eyes when the sunrise streams
through the blinds and kisses
you first thing in the morning.

It’s enough.

Some days, all God needs
is for you to walk into the kitchen,
pour yourself a glass of orange juice
and take a sip, one of those sweet
pulpy sips that feels less like drinking
and more like chewing, like you've
taken a bite of the ripest, juiciest orange.

It’s enough.

Some days, all God needs
you to do is step outside
during a sun shower, tilt back
your head, open your mouth
and taste both the sun and the rain.

It’s enough.

Some days, all God wants
you to do is sit with Him
for a while, there in the orchestra
seats down by the water’s edge
and listen to the symphony
the angels play as the trees shake
the morning mist from their leaves.

It’s enough.

Some days, it’s enough
that you remembered to breathe,
because maybe tomorrow,
you’ll have the strength to sing.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Psalm 139:4

Even before a word is on my tongue,
    O Lord, you know it completely.

Little Girl, wake now
and listen.

I have Good News to give
you, to calm your restless mind,

to ease your aching heart
and mend your torn spirit.

God knows.

He knows your prayers
before you speak them.

He knows your prayers
before you can even open
your mouth to breathe them.

He knows your every hope,
your every wish.

He knows all your dreams
before you can even dream them.

And so, He cups your face
in His weathered hands.

He looks you in the eyes
and slowly blinks.

He takes a deep, rich breath,
holds it and then gives
back His spirit—

and oh, how the breath of God
smells like cinnamon and pine
and all things Christmas—

and then He says simply,

I know.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.

Dear child,


Do you see Him?


Standing at the front door.

The streetlights are flickering on.
The bats are flying low.

The last embers of the sunset
are disappearing now below the horizon.

It’s time to come home.


Do you hear Him?

He’s calling you.

He’s calling you by name,
the name only He knows,

the name He placed inside you
before you were even born,

the name nestled and tucked
away inside your soul,

the name that means Beloved.

And Beloved, it’s time to come home.

It’s been a very long day,
and I can see some ripped jeans
and skinned knees, a runny nose
and a pair of sleepy eyes.

I can hear a rumbling belly,
and some shallow breaths.

You’re hungry and thirsty and tired
and now won’t you come home to rest?

He’s waiting for you.
The bread is on the table.
The hot water is flowing into the tub.
The sheets have been pulled back on the bed.

It’s time to come home
to the place where you are forever loved,
to the place where you are forever safe,
to the place where God waits, eternally.


Monday, July 27, 2020

John 20:22

When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”


The sweetest sound I ever heard
was that morning You said my name, Lord,

that morning when I found You,
framed by the rising sun,

a silhouette that was more light
than shadow,

and I did not see You.
and I did not know You,
still lost in grief as I was.

But then You said my name,
and I ached with sweet love
and longing for You.


The sweetest sight I ever saw
was that day You sat across from me, Lord,

that day when all stories became true
and You leapt off the pages of fiction
and became more real than real.

The sweetest sight I ever saw
was You, Lord, once broken and now healed,

and Your love for us inscribed there
on Your hands, and there in Your side,

and there in Your eyes,
when You looked at me
and all I could see was love.


The sweetest kiss, I ever felt,
was Your kiss, Lord.

It was a mother’s kiss, a brush of the lips
across the forehead,

a prayer for a good night,
a promise that we’ll see each
other again in the morning.

Your kiss, Lord, was the sweetest kiss,
and the Holy Spirit, the sweetest gift,

a gift unearned, a gift not to be wasted,
a gift that grows as we grow,
and transforms us in unimaginable ways.

Your kiss, Lord is that sweet
Breath of the Spirit.

Oh how I need to be filled with Your spirit, Lord.
Oh how I need to breathe in that sweet breath of Heaven.

Oh how I need You, Lord.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Job 33:4

The spirit of God has made me,
    and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Thanks be to God,

who has made all things new,
whose Spirit has made me,
whose Breath has given me life.

Thanks be to God,

who woke me from my sleep,
who nudged me into wakefulness,
and with joy in His eyes
and playfulness in His voice,
said simply, “Little girl, get up.”

Thanks be to God,

who saved me from the quarry,
who smashed the rock from around my heart
and revealed the kaleidoscope of colors,
the stunning lightshow that is my soul.

Thanks be to God,

who took the weight from off my chest,
the burden from off my shoulders,
who unlocked the chains from around my ankles,
who lifted me up, pointed to the sky and said, “Fly.”

Thanks be to God,

who freed me from my sins,
who opened the door to the prison
cell that I had thrown myself into
and asked for nothing in return.

Thanks be to God,

the One I now follow,
the One I have always loved,
the One who makes my heart beat faster,
the One who brings breath to my lungs.

Thanks be to God,

the One who saved me,
the One who holds me,
the One who never leaves me,
the One who is forever faithful to me.

Thanks be to God.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Psalm 119:49-50

Remember your word to your servant,
    in which you have made me hope.
This is my comfort in my distress,
    that your promise gives me life.

Your promise gives me Life, Lord.

Your promise tills the soil
of my heart and plants
the seeds of Salvation there.

Your promise gives me Hope.

Your words fill my lungs
and now the air I breathe in
and now the air I breathe out
is the very breath of Your Spirit.

Your promise is Living Water.

It is streams in the desert
and rushing rapids that fill
the craters of despair in my soul.

Your promise washes over me.

It cleanses me, even though I am drowning,
and then, it lifts me up and it carries me through
the canyons before setting me on the shore.

Your promise gives me Life, Lord.

Your Words are guaranteed forever,
for the infinite eternity that You inhabit,
for Your infinite eternal love that powers
the universe and gives birth to stars.

In this, I live.
In this, I love and am loved.
In this, You reign forever, Lord.

In this, I am free.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Psalm 105:4-5

Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually.
Remember the wonderful works he has done,
    his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered.

I will pray unceasingly.

I will seek unceasingly.

I will praise unceasingly.

I will give thanks unceasingly.

With every breath.
With every blink.
With every heartbeat.

I will live Your miracles.

I am a miracle.

I am living proof of Your unfailing love.

I am precious.

I am wanted.

And this I will proclaim.

With every breath.
With every blink.
When every sunrise the horizon
gives birth to.

I will wait for You.

When others give up and go home,

I will wait.

With confidence.
With faith.
With wisdom.
With knowledge

that Your love is not some secret
withheld from many and reserved for a few.

Your love is present,
ever present.

And wherever You are,
I am already home.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Genesis 28:16

Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!”

Lord, I know You are here.

I know You are here
even when I cannot feel You.

I know Your presence
never leaves me.

I know Your presence,
Your spirit fills me.

Sometimes, I think it is Your essence
I recognize in that sweet earthly smell
that erupts from the ground after a rain.

Sometimes, I think it is Your touch
that I feel when the wind carries
that fine mist across the water

and drapes itself like a prayer shawl
across my shoulders.

I hear You, Lord.  I hear Your own prayer.
I hear You in the buzz of that fat, old bumblebee
gathering its morning harvest.

I hear You in the zip of the dragonfly
as it stops and darts and hovers
and finally settles on the lily pad.

Even in the silence, Lord,
when all I can hear is the pounding
of the blood in my ears,
and the rush of the air as I breathe,

when the only things that speak to me
are the creak of my back,
and the groaning of my heart,
and the tears begging to be freed,

even then, Lord, Your song
soars within me, and the hymn
You sing is one word … live.

And the refrain is simply … breathe.

You are here, Lord.
and I pray I feel Your presence
with every waking breath.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Psalm 62:5

For God alone my soul waits in silence,
    for my hope is from him.

Rest now.
Silent still.

I know the storm outside
is loud and frightening.

Close your eyes.
Sleep now.

The storm may rage,
the windows shake with thunder,
but know that I will always keep you safe.

You can breathe now.
It’s all right, I promise.

Oh I know that lightning
is scary, the suddenness,
the way it crashes without warning
and floods the room with light.

But no storm lasts forever.
All storms eventually move on
or wear themselves out after kicking
and screaming through their little tantrum.

There is nothing
to be afraid of.

There is nothing here
that can hurt you,

not so long as I am
sitting here.

The storm will end.
The silence return,

and you will know
that I have been
here the whole time.

I have never left.

So, rest now.
Fear not.

Let hope fill
your heart instead.

And I will see you
in the morning.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Genesis 2:7

Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.

Breathe into me, Lord.
Breathe into me the Breath of Life

and command me to live
as You commanded Adam.

Command me to live
as You commanded those
dry bones in the desert.

Fill my lungs with
Your Holy Breath

and set me on the path to proclaim
Your infinite love and glorious majesty.

Quench my thirst with Living Water.
Feed me with the Bread of Life.

Fill me, oxygenate me, revive me
with Your Holy Spirit.

Give me strength to soar.
Give me breath to sing.

Let my feet never touch the ground
for You carry me and lift me up.

Let me ride on the Breath of the Spirit.
Let me breathe the air that angels breathe.

Command me to live, Lord,
and I know my heart and lungs will listen.

Command me to live, Lord,
and fill me with Your love.


Monday, July 20, 2020

2 Timothy 4:7

It was my dad who said to me a few months ago that he was not fond of the term “prayer warrior” because he saw those who practiced intercessory prayer less as warriors fighting a battle and more as medics or prayer first-responders. 

I so liked what he had to say that I actually modified it slightly to use on my own.  Yes, there are times when we are called to be prayer warriors, but most of the time I see myself as a spiritual first-responder.

2 Timothy 4:7

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Lord, I am not a warrior.
That fight is not within me.

But that does not mean
that I won’t charge into
the battle for You.

Lord, I am not a warrior.
You made me a medic.
You made me one of Your
Spiritual First-Responders.

I will fight for Your people Lord,
but I will do it with healing;
I will do it with prayer.

I will be gentle
and I will be kind.

I will be fervent, and I will
let Your Spirit shine, Lord.

I will speak softly,
but with passion.

I will deliver Your Spirit, Lord,
with my words.

I will deliver Your Spirit
with my love.

I will lift Your people up.
I will claim them in Your holy name.

I will stand by them.
I will stand with them.

I will not leave them alone.
I will keep the faith for them.
I will keep it safe and strong.

This race, Lord, is never over.
There is no finish.

I will never stop praying,
until that day You bring us home.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Isaiah 41:13

For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Do not fear,
    I will help you.”

Here, take My hand.
I have wondrous things
to show you, beginning here

with all the things you miss
in that fraction of a second
you lose when you blink.

Take My hand.
Come now, don’t be afraid.

You’ve been lost and wondering,
wandering for far too long,
but, have no worries, I know
the way through the woods.

After all, I created each and every tree.
I know every pinecone that has fallen
and every acorn pocketed in a squirrel’s cheeks.

Please, take My hand,
and let Me help you.

You are precious to Me.
You are so very precious to Me.

I cannot bear to see you suffer.

Stop hoarding that anger,
that sadness, that unbearable grief.

Your soul was not made
to carry all that pain.

Your pain is My pain
and every tear you cry,
flows again from My eyes.

Look, it’s getting dark
and the shadows are growing long.

Take My hand.
Let Me be your light.
You do not have to do this alone.

Dear, dear, child, draw near to Me now,
Draw near to Me.  Let Me hold you.
Let Me take this burden from you.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Psalm 143:8

Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning,
    for in you I put my trust.
Teach me the way I should go,
    for to you I lift up my soul.

To You, Lord, I lift up my soul.

To You—before the sun rises.

To You—before I even open my eyes.

To You—at my first waking breath.

To You—as my dreams fade and scatter
back to the shadowed memories of sleep.

To You—before the hunger of morning
wrestles me away.

To You, Lord, I confess

all my weaknesses, all my ugly truths,
all my doubts and all my fears,
all that troubles me and all that breaks me.

Every part of me that is broken,
I lift first thing to You, Lord.

Like a child handing over a torn teddy bear,
like a child weeping over a broken, beloved toy,
like a child who fears life will never be the same,
like a child who knows no better,

I hand all of these things—
I lift up all of these things to You.

And to You, Lord, I profess.

I am Yours.

All of me.

To remake.
To restore.
To make new,

so that joy may find its way
to me this morning,

so that Your love may break
through all the storms
that leave my heart in darkness,

so that the light of Your love
may break through and shine
and wake my soul and give it new life.

To You, Lord, I lift up my soul.

To You, Lord, I lift up my soul and sing.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Romans 8:24-25

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

When I think of the future
these days, I am mostly afraid,
or anxious and doubtful.

The future is unknown
and the unknown right now,
seems vast and expansive,

a whole, dark universe
without a single star.

In the past, I have looked
to the future with hope.

I have dreamed sweet dreams
of the things that have yet to be.

But now, such daydreams seem
like a luxury only children can afford.

To invest in hope seems risky and foolish.
And besides, what can I do when
the only currency in my pocket is fear?

Even so, even as I stand there, staring
into the vast unknown, I wonder if it’s true.

I wonder if I am completely hopeless,
or if there remains a few pennies of hope,

hidden under the couch cushions
or lost and forgotten in the pockets
of the jeans I wore last winter.

Invested well, even the smallest bit of
hope can grow into the richest treasure.

Fear is plentiful but worthless.

But hope—even the tiniest amount—
is invaluable.

Yes, the unknown is the unknown,
impossible to see or predict.

We know nothing about the future,
but this—God is there waiting.

He is always there waiting.
Every path, every road you have
ever taken has always led to God.

God, our Omnipresent, Divine Host,
is with you in all times.  

Having carried you in the past,
He walks with you now in the present,
even as He waits for you in the future.


And knowing that—holding onto that—
gives me permission to dare,
to dare to dream, to dare to hope. 


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hebrews 6:19

We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul ….

Lord, I have become untethered,
unmoored, set adrift during the storm,

and this boat I’m on is too small
and leaking and rocking and already
the seawater is pooling at my feet.

The boat tips and threatens
to flip as it climbs each wave,
before crashing back down again.

And it’s dark—it’s so very dark
and I cannot see—I’m crying, I think

but my tears taste like the ocean
and I can’t help but wonder if
the sea has already claimed me.

But then, as one wave settles down
and another has yet to rise in its place,

I see You Lord.  I see You, somehow,
standing there, a lighthouse shining
in the middle of the water.

The waves bow down to You,
crest then fall, before disappearing
and fleeing into the night.

The clouds part over You, revealing
the stars, revealing a universe
that wakes and blinks and rubs its eyes
as it, too, is called upon to shine.

The storm rages on around me,
but around You there is no darkness,
there is only infinite light and infinite hope.

And here You come to me, walking
on water, leaving behind a trail
of light as if You were a comet,
streaking across the night sky.

And everywhere You shine,
the darkness stops and stares
for a moment, before grabbing
its things and sprinting away.

And everywhere You walk, Lord,
the storm settles and stills,
the waves lie down and sleep.

And here I sit, in my boat,
soaked and shivering,
every part of me quivering
as You reach out Your hand
and pull me into Your embrace.

Hope, my anchor.
Hope, my savior.
Hope, my redeemer.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Isaiah 44:3

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
    and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour my spirit upon your descendants,
    and my blessing on your offspring.

Lord, right now, I need
to be bathed in the Spirit.

I need to be washed
clean by Holy Waters.

I need to stand under
the waterfalls of Holy Living

and listen as Your Spirit pounds
the earth around me.

I need to feel Your presence,
that thunder that rumble.

I need a Holy Spirit storm, Lord.

I need that Breath of the Spirit
to catch me, to lift me off my feet.

I need to be carried in the whirlwind.
I need to feel the earth lurch under me.

I need to be twisted and tossed.
I need to be thrown about.

I need to be lost, Lord.
I need to be out of control,

in order to know that You
are in control.

I need Your Holy Spirit Storm, Lord,
to shake me from my complacency.

But then, after the storm, I need You to still
the restlessness that grows within me.

I need You to howl at me Lord,
and I need You to whisper.

I need You to shout and sing,
and then I need You to whisper and hum.

I need Your Spirit, Lord.
Pour out to me Your Spirit.
Soak me, drench me, in Your love.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Psalm 142:3

When my spirit is faint, you know my way.

When my spirit is faint,

when the Holy Spirit seems
more like the Holy Ghost,

Her presence muted,
phantom-like and fleeting,

Her grace and love, incorporeal,
incapable of being held,

when I am ready to turn my back
to it all and walk away rather
than risk being hurt again,

when I run from You, Lord,
when I leave the path, You
have set before me,

when I run into the darkened
woods and find myself lost now
in the brambles and shadow pines,

I remind myself of this …
You know my way, Lord.

And I am not lost from You.

I am the sheep. 
You are the shepherd.
You know my way.

And nothing—nothing—can
separate me from You.
You will always bring me home.

In my weakness and lost in the darkness,
I cry out to You, Lord—I cry out
one last desperate plea to be saved.

I cry—no words and sometimes my cry
is a howling pain and sometimes it is silent
as the spirit within me—yes—grows faint.

I cry out to You, Lord, and You come,
because You always come,
because You will never leave us
alone in that darkness. 

You will never leave us lost
no matter how many times
we run away.

You know my way, Lord.
Find me now, I pray.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Romans 8:9

The Spirit of God dwells in you.

The Spirit of God dwells in you.
You are the Lord’s dwelling place.

You are where He rests His head at night.
You are who He comes home to.

You are His beloved.
To you He is always faithful.

You are the one He believes in.
You are the one He trusts completely.

No one knows you better.
No one will ever know you better.

His love for you is ever growing.
It fills and stretches the very
boundaries of the universe.

He carries your picture, bent, folded and faded,
in His wallet and shows everyone He meets.

He delights in everything you do.

And in the night, in the darkness and in the silence,
when you are too afraid to say His name,
when you are worried your spiritual well has run dry,
when you’re afraid the only answer you’ll receive is an echo,

He reaches out.
He places His hand over your heart.
He begs you to breathe.
He begs you to feel

the warmth of His spirit washing
over you, filling you to overflowing.

You cannot trouble God.
You cannot overstep.
Ask and you will receive. 

You are His home.
And you, He will never leave.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Jeremiah 31:3

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

I am loved with an everlasting love.

I am loved.

Even now, I pause and close
my eyes and embrace these words.

I hold them close to me as I take a deep
breath and let Your essence, Lord, fill me.

Essence of the Spirit, distilled and pure,
fills every cell of me, oxygenates my soul,
and gives me that strength I need

to wake and race the rest of the world
to that mountaintop where I can touch
the sky and tickle the toes of angels.

I am weightless when I am filled
with Your love, Lord.

I am weightless and I can fly.
I can soar above the eagles.

The heavens shower me with stardust
that clings to me like pollen.

Each particle sings to me the song
that gave birth to the universe,

and for a moment I know what
it means to live,

what it means to be Your child, Lord,
created with love and born from love.

You have loved me— 

You have loved us with an everlasting love,
a love that outshines the stars themselves.

Oh … how we are loved.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jeremiah 31:2

The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness.

Lord, Hagar found You
in the wilderness.

She found You
when she was lost.

She found You
when she was broken.

She found You in the midst
of being overwhelmed by
fear and by loneliness. 

She found You, Lord, when
she thought she was forgotten,
a ghost already, drifting, invisible,
her son already orphaned.

She found You and she named You.
You are the God who sees me.

Lord, I too have wandered
the wilderness.

I too have been afraid.

I too have felt forgotten.

But, I too have found You,
and I know that You see me.

I know that I am seen.

You are Grace, Lord.

You have always been


and You have always been


but now I see, You, Lord,
and I know that You are Grace.

It is Grace that follows me
into the wilderness when
I have lost hope and feel unloved.

It is Grace that sits with me
through all the hours
of my darkest nights

and takes my hand
and strokes my thumb
and does nothing,
and does everything,
just by being there.

Grace is unafraid,
is unashamed of me,
of the wilderness inside of me.

Grace follows me into
the wilderness, into that barren,
dry furnace of a landscape,

and digs her fingers into
the sand and fills those troughs
with living water,

digs her fingers into the sand
and fills those holes with
new seeds and life.

Grace washes me clean
with the waterfalls of redemption
and reveals, finally, my true self,

so that I might be seen,
so that I might see, finally—



Walk With Me

One of the first things I did when I moved to Ohio last year was try and locate a prayer labyrinth to walk.  For years, I had been walking t...