Friday, July 17, 2020

Romans 8:24-25

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

When I think of the future
these days, I am mostly afraid,
or anxious and doubtful.

The future is unknown
and the unknown right now,
seems vast and expansive,

a whole, dark universe
without a single star.

In the past, I have looked
to the future with hope.

I have dreamed sweet dreams
of the things that have yet to be.

But now, such daydreams seem
like a luxury only children can afford.

To invest in hope seems risky and foolish.
And besides, what can I do when
the only currency in my pocket is fear?

Even so, even as I stand there, staring
into the vast unknown, I wonder if it’s true.

I wonder if I am completely hopeless,
or if there remains a few pennies of hope,

hidden under the couch cushions
or lost and forgotten in the pockets
of the jeans I wore last winter.

Invested well, even the smallest bit of
hope can grow into the richest treasure.

Fear is plentiful but worthless.

But hope—even the tiniest amount—
is invaluable.

Yes, the unknown is the unknown,
impossible to see or predict.

We know nothing about the future,
but this—God is there waiting.

He is always there waiting.
Every path, every road you have
ever taken has always led to God.

God, our Omnipresent, Divine Host,
is with you in all times.  

Having carried you in the past,
He walks with you now in the present,
even as He waits for you in the future.


And knowing that—holding onto that—
gives me permission to dare,
to dare to dream, to dare to hope. 


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...