Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hebrews 6:19

We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul ….

Lord, I have become untethered,
unmoored, set adrift during the storm,

and this boat I’m on is too small
and leaking and rocking and already
the seawater is pooling at my feet.

The boat tips and threatens
to flip as it climbs each wave,
before crashing back down again.

And it’s dark—it’s so very dark
and I cannot see—I’m crying, I think

but my tears taste like the ocean
and I can’t help but wonder if
the sea has already claimed me.

But then, as one wave settles down
and another has yet to rise in its place,

I see You Lord.  I see You, somehow,
standing there, a lighthouse shining
in the middle of the water.

The waves bow down to You,
crest then fall, before disappearing
and fleeing into the night.

The clouds part over You, revealing
the stars, revealing a universe
that wakes and blinks and rubs its eyes
as it, too, is called upon to shine.

The storm rages on around me,
but around You there is no darkness,
there is only infinite light and infinite hope.

And here You come to me, walking
on water, leaving behind a trail
of light as if You were a comet,
streaking across the night sky.

And everywhere You shine,
the darkness stops and stares
for a moment, before grabbing
its things and sprinting away.

And everywhere You walk, Lord,
the storm settles and stills,
the waves lie down and sleep.

And here I sit, in my boat,
soaked and shivering,
every part of me quivering
as You reach out Your hand
and pull me into Your embrace.

Hope, my anchor.
Hope, my savior.
Hope, my redeemer.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...