Saturday, July 11, 2020

Jeremiah 31:2

The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness.

Lord, Hagar found You
in the wilderness.

She found You
when she was lost.

She found You
when she was broken.

She found You in the midst
of being overwhelmed by
fear and by loneliness. 

She found You, Lord, when
she thought she was forgotten,
a ghost already, drifting, invisible,
her son already orphaned.

She found You and she named You.
You are the God who sees me.

Lord, I too have wandered
the wilderness.

I too have been afraid.

I too have felt forgotten.

But, I too have found You,
and I know that You see me.

I know that I am seen.

You are Grace, Lord.

You have always been


and You have always been


but now I see, You, Lord,
and I know that You are Grace.

It is Grace that follows me
into the wilderness when
I have lost hope and feel unloved.

It is Grace that sits with me
through all the hours
of my darkest nights

and takes my hand
and strokes my thumb
and does nothing,
and does everything,
just by being there.

Grace is unafraid,
is unashamed of me,
of the wilderness inside of me.

Grace follows me into
the wilderness, into that barren,
dry furnace of a landscape,

and digs her fingers into
the sand and fills those troughs
with living water,

digs her fingers into the sand
and fills those holes with
new seeds and life.

Grace washes me clean
with the waterfalls of redemption
and reveals, finally, my true self,

so that I might be seen,
so that I might see, finally—





I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...