Sunday, July 26, 2020

Job 33:4

The spirit of God has made me,
    and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Thanks be to God,

who has made all things new,
whose Spirit has made me,
whose Breath has given me life.

Thanks be to God,

who woke me from my sleep,
who nudged me into wakefulness,
and with joy in His eyes
and playfulness in His voice,
said simply, “Little girl, get up.”

Thanks be to God,

who saved me from the quarry,
who smashed the rock from around my heart
and revealed the kaleidoscope of colors,
the stunning lightshow that is my soul.

Thanks be to God,

who took the weight from off my chest,
the burden from off my shoulders,
who unlocked the chains from around my ankles,
who lifted me up, pointed to the sky and said, “Fly.”

Thanks be to God,

who freed me from my sins,
who opened the door to the prison
cell that I had thrown myself into
and asked for nothing in return.

Thanks be to God,

the One I now follow,
the One I have always loved,
the One who makes my heart beat faster,
the One who brings breath to my lungs.

Thanks be to God,

the One who saved me,
the One who holds me,
the One who never leaves me,
the One who is forever faithful to me.

Thanks be to God.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...