Monday, July 13, 2020

Romans 8:9

The Spirit of God dwells in you.

The Spirit of God dwells in you.
You are the Lord’s dwelling place.

You are where He rests His head at night.
You are who He comes home to.

You are His beloved.
To you He is always faithful.

You are the one He believes in.
You are the one He trusts completely.

No one knows you better.
No one will ever know you better.

His love for you is ever growing.
It fills and stretches the very
boundaries of the universe.

He carries your picture, bent, folded and faded,
in His wallet and shows everyone He meets.

He delights in everything you do.

And in the night, in the darkness and in the silence,
when you are too afraid to say His name,
when you are worried your spiritual well has run dry,
when you’re afraid the only answer you’ll receive is an echo,

He reaches out.
He places His hand over your heart.
He begs you to breathe.
He begs you to feel

the warmth of His spirit washing
over you, filling you to overflowing.

You cannot trouble God.
You cannot overstep.
Ask and you will receive. 

You are His home.
And you, He will never leave.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...