Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Psalm 142:3

When my spirit is faint, you know my way.

When my spirit is faint,

when the Holy Spirit seems
more like the Holy Ghost,

Her presence muted,
phantom-like and fleeting,

Her grace and love, incorporeal,
incapable of being held,

when I am ready to turn my back
to it all and walk away rather
than risk being hurt again,

when I run from You, Lord,
when I leave the path, You
have set before me,

when I run into the darkened
woods and find myself lost now
in the brambles and shadow pines,

I remind myself of this …
You know my way, Lord.

And I am not lost from You.

I am the sheep. 
You are the shepherd.
You know my way.

And nothing—nothing—can
separate me from You.
You will always bring me home.

In my weakness and lost in the darkness,
I cry out to You, Lord—I cry out
one last desperate plea to be saved.

I cry—no words and sometimes my cry
is a howling pain and sometimes it is silent
as the spirit within me—yes—grows faint.

I cry out to You, Lord, and You come,
because You always come,
because You will never leave us
alone in that darkness. 

You will never leave us lost
no matter how many times
we run away.

You know my way, Lord.
Find me now, I pray.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...