Monday, July 20, 2020

2 Timothy 4:7

It was my dad who said to me a few months ago that he was not fond of the term “prayer warrior” because he saw those who practiced intercessory prayer less as warriors fighting a battle and more as medics or prayer first-responders. 

I so liked what he had to say that I actually modified it slightly to use on my own.  Yes, there are times when we are called to be prayer warriors, but most of the time I see myself as a spiritual first-responder.

2 Timothy 4:7

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Lord, I am not a warrior.
That fight is not within me.

But that does not mean
that I won’t charge into
the battle for You.

Lord, I am not a warrior.
You made me a medic.
You made me one of Your
Spiritual First-Responders.

I will fight for Your people Lord,
but I will do it with healing;
I will do it with prayer.

I will be gentle
and I will be kind.

I will be fervent, and I will
let Your Spirit shine, Lord.

I will speak softly,
but with passion.

I will deliver Your Spirit, Lord,
with my words.

I will deliver Your Spirit
with my love.

I will lift Your people up.
I will claim them in Your holy name.

I will stand by them.
I will stand with them.

I will not leave them alone.
I will keep the faith for them.
I will keep it safe and strong.

This race, Lord, is never over.
There is no finish.

I will never stop praying,
until that day You bring us home.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...