Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Isaiah 43:2

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you.

Whatever it is today that
you are going through,

I want you to know that
you are not alone.

God is with you.

He has you wrapped
in His arms.

He has you swaddled
in Hope.

Remember Hope?

It’s the only light that
I know of that can hold
back the darkness.

And whatever waters you have
to walk through,

whatever oceans you have
to swim,

God will carry you through
those dark waters.

He will raise you up.
He will keep you dry.

He will keep you safe
from the murky depths.

And as those hungry fires
burn around you,

devouring the oxygen
and leaving you gasping
for breath,

know that God has
your hand.

He is walking beside you
through the inferno.

And no flame will touch you,
not even one spark.

And yes that fire will roar.
And yes it will hiss and spit

and beat its chest
and bare its teeth,

but it will not touch you,
not with God right there
next to you.

You are not alone today.

You were not alone yesterday
in the flood.

You will not be alone tomorrow
in the fire.

God is with you, always.


Monday, June 29, 2020

1 Peter 1:3

By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Hope lives.

And You, Lord, are
that Living Hope.

Hope lives.

Hope breathes
and runs
and dances
and sings.

Hope laughs

and twirls and spins
on mountaintops
and closes its eyes
to the warmth
of the sun.

Hope tires

from playing
and collapses
into the grass
and naps
in the cool breeze.

Hope listens

to the song
of the universe,
to the orchestra
that plays through
every living thing.

Hope gives

voice to those
who have forgotten
their song and are silent,
whose souls are
filled with a deep longing.

Hope weeps

with us,
walks with us,
breathes in time
with us, marches
with us and lives
within us in all times.

Hope lives

and carries on.
It does not grow dim.
It does not grow faint.
It does not expire.
It carries on.

Hope is

and forever.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

James 2:17

So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

Lord, my words are my works.
Without them my faith is dead.

My words are prayer.
My words are praise.

My words are a plea on
behalf of the spirit inside me,

the soul that holds my
innermost thoughts,

those hidden needs,
those hidden dreams,

a soul that holds both
worry and fear but also
hope and faith and love.

Here in these words, Lord,
You will find my faith.

You will find the passion
and longing that pushes me
out of the bed each morning,

the longing for You, Lord,
that draws me out of the night
and into the blessed sunrise.

Here, Lord, right here, in these words,
I bloom, I reveal, I unfold the pages
of my life, of my story, so I can share
the Good News that You have shown me.

These words are my works.
These words are my testimony,

my witness to Your love and power, Lord,
to a love that is unceasing and ever-expanding,
a love that is rushing forward, even now,
to the outer edges of the universe.

These words are my works.


Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lamentations 3:21-22

But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
    his mercies never come to an end.

Even in our darkest days, Lord,
even when the sun seems eclipsed,

casting us into a never-ending night,
as it fails to throw off death’s shroud,

even on these light-barren days,
we have hope, Lord.

We have hope.
We hold onto hope.

We care for that tiny
spark of hope, holding
that tinder, that smoking,
briefly flaring to life, tinder—

we hold it, nestled in our hands,
a nest that holds life that we coax
with our breath even as we hope that
Your breath Lord will bring it to life.

We have hope.
We have hope, Lord,
because we know.

We know that Your love
is unceasing, unwavering,
and because of that love,

on those nights, those dark nights,
we will never be cold, not with Your
love wrapped around us.

And on those nights, those silent nights,
we will never be alone, not with You
sitting right there beside us.

And on those nights, those very long nights,
we will not doubt, and we will not lose hope,
not with Your light shining there next to us.

Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness
to us, for Your unceasing love that fills us,
that blesses us in infinite ways.


Friday, June 26, 2020

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear ….

You are loved with
a perfect love

by a God who is

by a God who created
this world with love,

by a God who breathed
into you and gave you
life with His love.

You are a creature of love,

made and formed and crafted
with a perfect love.

And as a creature of love,
what could you possibly fear?

Love stands up.
Love does not bow.
Love looks fear in the eye.

Love pities anger.
Love speaks softly when
others scream with hate.

Love sings hymns in the morning
and lullabies at night.

Love sleeps well and refuses 
to share the bed with worry.

Love never runs on empty.
Love keeps our spirits full.

Love walks with head held high, knowing
they are a child of the Most High.

You are a child of the Most High,
filled with a perfect love
that bathes the world in light.

Whom shall you fear?


Thursday, June 25, 2020

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

O, Lord, bear with me, please.
Too many of my prayers to You
are filled with grumbling.

Too often I complain because I cannot
see the path in front of me and I wish
I knew just where You were leading me.

But the truth is—if I’m being honest
with myself first—if I knew the journey
You had planned for me, I might just
freeze with fear and start unpacking my bags.

Not that the path I’ve already walked
hasn’t, at times, been wild and amazing
and filled with such wonder that I
could barely contain my joy.

But it has also been filled with crushing
heartache and uncertainty and doubt.

The path You lead us on, Lord,
is twisted and wandering and sometimes
seems to lead us so far backwards,
we could swear we’ve walked this path before.

But I have to remind myself that the same
vines that line the path and snag my feet
and rip my jeans, are living things.

The path You lead us on, Lord,
is a path filled with life.
And like all wild things, it’s untamable.

We cannot force it to turn left
when all it wants to do is turn right
and then wander and dance circles
around the trees and streams.

And so, Lord, we must close our eyes.
We must hold still and gather our strength
and take gloriously rich and deep breaths of You.

We must take that first step and that second step
and learn to ignore all the things that cause
us fear and threaten to stop us in our tracks.

We must know and never doubt that this path
is your path, Lord, maintained by You.

This journey we are on is a journey designed by You.
And so, we must walk by faith.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Isaiah 40:31

But those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Lord, does Hope expire?

Does Hope spoil if left
on the shelf for too long?

What is Hope’s shelf-life?

Its “good-by” date?

Lord, I think we all have
that one can of Hope,
sitting dusty and dented,

way back in that part
of the spirit that flared
to life a few months,

or years, or decades ago,
that part of the spirit
that came to life one day

and inspired us with so much
joy and promise that we canned
a bit of that joy and slapped
Hope on the label.

Hope sustains us.
Hope fills us.
It renews us.

But for how long, Lord?
How long does Hope last?

How long before we toss Hope aside
and wearily replace it with cynicism?

O, Lord, we need some fresh Hope, today.

We need Hope that has been
growing in the sun.

We need Hope that bends
and bows to the sunrise.

We need Hope that is wild
and leafy green,

that is the home to both
caterpillar and chrysalis.

We need Hope that gives
birth to new life,

the kind of Hope that renews
our strength and gives
our spirits room and wings to fly.

Lord, please fill us again with Hope.


1 Corinthians 13:12

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.

Lord, there are days when
I long to look in the mirror
and see not my current reflection,
but the face that I faced as a child,

and to that child, I will smile,
and to that child, I will say,

I know you want to hear
that things will get better

and they will get better,
and then they will get worse again.

There will be days of wonder and joy
and there will be days of 
heartache and desperation.

There will be tears of happiness,
days when your soul soars over
the highest mountains,

and there will be tears of deep grief,
days when the earth seems to open wide
underneath you and swallow you whole.

But in all these days,
both the days that lift you
and the days that crush you underfoot,

in all these days,
you will live.

You will live.
You will breathe.
You will draw breath

and in that breath
will always be
the sweet presence,
the oh so sweet essence,
of the almighty God.

And in all these days,
I promise you,

that God will set firm
the ground in front of you,

that God will catch
you when you stumble,

that the light of God
will chase away all shadows,

that darkness, though present,
will never extinguish the light of God,

that no matter how impermanent
your days, God Himself is permanent.

And then I will take a step back
from the mirror and wipe away
the tears that roll down her face,
the slick condensation that has
gathered there on the surface,

and I will smile,

and I will say, finally,

God has you.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Ephesians 4:1-3

I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

(one moment)
(and let)
(the words)

Take a deep breath
and hold it and listen.

Let these words move
and flow through you.

That knocking,
that drumming,
that pounding—

that frantic pounding—
in your ears,
is your heart begging
for oxygen, begging you
not just to breathe,

but to move,
to get up,
to stop being afraid,
to answer the call,
to be that call.

(let go)
(let your breath)
(Smile now)
(and breathe.)

May God’s love
live within you.

Always and Amen.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Psalm 16:11

You show me the path of life.
    In your presence there is fullness of joy;
    in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

O, my friends, that you would
always remember these words.

Your life was not meant
simply to be endured.

Your life was meant to be lived.

This life you live
is not purgatory.

This life you live
is not limbo.

This life you live is not
about treading water
while your legs tire
and the waves threaten
to drag you under.

This life is not about
the wait.

It is not about the promise
of better things right
around the corner.

This life is a gift,
a gift that is not meant
to be buried and tucked away.

It is a gift that God
intends you to use.

It is not a gift that must
sit unopened until the right day.

It is a gift that is meant
to be enjoyed and used today.

Our God is a God of joy
and of love,

a God who laughs and lives
and takes pride and pleasure
in all His children.

A God who knows how precious
and priceless each breath is,

who knows that each heartbeat
is golden and each morning that
we wake and open our eyes
a renewable treasure.

O, my friends, that you would live today,
that you would be filled with God’s love,

that you would know that it is His spirit
that fills your lungs,

that you would use this gift

for His joy,
for your joy,
for the sake of the entire world.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Esther 4:14

"For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.”

Lord, give me the strength
to speak when You
call me to speak.

Give me the peace
to be silent when You
call me to listen.

Give me the vision
to see even when
the world seems so dark.

Give me the faith
to follow and find You
even when all I have
is a whisper and a prayer.

Lord, have mercy on me
when I am lost and blind,
stumbling and walking in circles.

Have patience with me
when You hold out Your hand
and I walk on by, oblivious.

Call me to me, Lord.
Call to me as many times
as it takes, until I answer.

Wait for me, Lord.
and then show me
how to serve.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Matthew 11:28

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Lord, sit with me here
beneath the trees
where sunlight and shadow
dance with the wind
between the leaves
casting a kaleidoscope
of patterns on the ground.

Lord, sit with me here
in the sun shower,
in the rain that appears
to fall from blue skies,
a mist, a spray, a moment
away from the heat,
enriching and deepening
both color and smell.

Oh yes, that smell of rain.

Lord, sit with me here
for just a minute—
give me just a minute
to close my eyes
and catch my breath
and let go of the tension
of the day that tightens
across my chest and around
my arms like chains.

Lord, sit with me.
Lay Your hands upon me.
Lift me.
Loosen those chains,
break me—free me—from
everything that holds me down
and keeps me from You.

Lord, sit with me
and then stand with me
and then walk with me
into the day.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

John 20:29

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Blessed are those who have not seen,
but still believe.

But what about me, Lord?
What am I?

Because I see You.

I see You every day.

I see You in the morning,
in the sunrise,
in the pale pink sky
stretched across the horizon,
dry-brushed by your Divine Hand.

I see you in the moon,
in the sliver of the moon,
slipping behind the silhouette
of the palm tree as it disappears
briefly into the fleeing night.

I see You in the Great Blue Heron,
steady now as it stands high in the trees,
locked in, breath low, as it slowly wakes
to the peekaboo sun.

I see You, Lord, in the woman,
waiting at the bus stop,
shoulders stooped, weighed down,
carrying far too many bags,
carrying far too much.

I see You in the man walking
down the street, long coat flapping
like a cape in the wind, long coat,
heavy coat, gray with wear and also
too much in the summer sun.

I saw You yesterday, Lord, in the children,
barefoot, mosquito bit, skinned knees
and never happier because it was summer
and they were climbing a tree.

I see You, everywhere, waiting, Lord,
simply waiting to be seen.

You’re not hiding.
You have never hid.

We are the ones who hide, Lord,
the ones who shut our eyes
and pretend to sleep and hope
to be left alone because the price
of seeing, the price of knowing You, Lord,

is that we then, must believe.*


*”Would you want to see, if seeing meant that you would have to believe …” Joan Osborne, lyrics, “What if God was One of Us?”

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Lord, these are the words
that I rest my head on
each and every night,

the words that let me
close my eyes,
the words that let me
take deep breaths,
the words that let me rest,

the words that say to me
in whispers and in sweet song,
the words that cradle me
and rock me to sleep,

the words that say simply:

There is hope.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jeremiah 6:14

They have treated the wound of my people carelessly,
    saying, “Peace, peace,”
    when there is no peace.

I cannot say, Peace
to my brother

when I don’t know
the war he is fighting,

or the struggles of his heart
that tear him apart,

disrupt his sleep,
and rob him of happiness.

How dare I say, Peace
to my sister

when I don’t even know
her name,

when I have looked
the other way,

when she has called out
and cried to me for help?

How can I say, Peace
to my neighbor

from the other side
of the fence?

How can I say, Peace,

when I refuse to open
the door?

How can I say, Peace
to a person

I cannot see,
I cannot hear,

separated as we are
behind this wall?

I can only say, Peace
to myself,

and hope that You, Lord,
hear my prayer,

that You
who hear me,

that You
who see me,

that You, Lord,
will begin to heal me,

for I cannot say, Peace
to others,

until I find that peace
for myself.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Romans 13:11

Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers.

Joshua 1:9

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Amos 5:24

But let justice roll on like a river,
    righteousness like a never-failing stream!

Lord, now is the moment,
now is the time
for us to finally wake,
for us to finally wake up.

Sleep is no longer
a luxury we can afford.

Shutting our eyes
and counting to ten
and hoping, like a child,

that the bad things, the shadows
that creep on the walls at night,
will suddenly, on their own, vanish—

that is wishful, dangerous thinking
that allows too many of our neighbors
to face the darkness alone.

We are no longer children, Lord.
We know this.

We are stronger than that.
And while the time for handholding
is over, we know Lord that we do
not walk this path alone.

We will be strong.
We will take courage.
We will not be afraid
because the Lord our God
is with us wherever we go.

And no army of hate
can stand against us.

And no rising tide of fear
can hold us under the waves.

This is the moment, Lord,
this is the moment where
we become those better angels.

This is the moment when
justice flows like a river.

This is the moment when love wins.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mark 5:39, 41

When he had entered, he said to them, “Why do you make a commotion and weep? The child is not dead but sleeping.” He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha cum,” which means, “Little girl, get up!”

Little girl, get up.

O, how I long to hear
those words, Lord,

not so much for a resurrection
of the body,

but for a resurrection
of the soul.

Little girl, get up.

Lord, our world is so weary
now, so bent and broken,

weighed down with fear,
our spirits crushed,

because we have forgotten
what it means to hope.

Little girl, get up.

Lord, take our hands,
pull us to our feet,

bring us out of the darkness
that has settled on our shoulders

and seeped into our hearts
with false promises,

a darkness that speaks and says
we can only trust ourselves.

Little girl, get up.

We are on our knees, Lord,
not in rebellion or defiance,

but in prayerful supplication.
These are our last words.

This is the last gasp
of a wounded people.

Save us, Lord.
We are ready to rise.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Matthew 7:9-10

Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?

Lord, we were hungry and so
we asked You for fish
and You gave in abundance,

feeding thousands and nearly
swamping Peter’s boat.

Lord, we were still hungry,
but so were You, in the desert.

The desert gave You a Snake,
temptation in flesh, that told You

to turn those stones into bread,
but You refused, knowing

that You were the Bread
that would feed others.

And when we grew hungry again,
we begged You for bread.

So, Your angels rolled back the stone
and You were delivered unto us,

the Bread of Life, the everlasting
embodiment of Your sacrifice.

With You Lord, we will never hunger again.
With You Lord, we will never thirst again.

With You Lord, all we need to do is ask.
Ask, seek, and it will be given to us,
all that we need or will ever need.

For this is a Father’s love.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Lord, there is a peace
that follows the storm.

There is a peace of purpose,
a peace in knowing
that the storm has ended,

the winds have stilled
and that this is not the calm

before the storm, but the peace
that follows after when the captive 

sun breaks free from the clouds
and reveals Your divine plan.

Lord, it’s the peace
that followed Jonah


spending three days in
the belly of a fish.

It is the peace
that followed Moses


he spoke to the burning bush
and left with his sandals still in his hand.

It is the peace that came
to the disciples

after the crucifixion,
after the resurrection,

after You set tongues
of Holy fire upon them

and sent them into the world
to preach Your Good News.

It is the peace of purpose
that follows the storm.

O, Lord, bring us
that peace today.

Calm the winds.
End the rains.

Let Your divine purpose
break free and shine upon us.

Quiet our restless hearts
and send us into the world
with the strength and courage
of knowing it is Your hand
that guides us.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Job 33:4

The spirit of God has made me,
    and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Breathe on me, Lord God,
and fill me with Your spirit.

We are living in, yes,
a time of lamentations,

a time of grief and sorrow
as we mourn things both lost
and stolen, time and love and
freedom ripped from our hands.

But we are also living in
a time of exodus,

as we leave the past behind,
as we acknowledge and stare down
the pain that has kept us in chains,

as we say, “NO MORE” and flee
together to the promised land,
wherever that may be,
whenever that may be.

The road will be long and hard,
twisted and barren and we will
continue to be tracked and hunted
down by a past that threatens
to pull us back to old familiar habits.

But we will walk on.
We will continue,
because we know, Lord,
that Your spirit is with us,

that You will be that pillar
of cloud leading us during the day,
and that pillar of fire, lighting
the way during the night.

We cannot see ahead
of cloud or fire, but we
don’t need to see,
we only need to follow.

Give me life today, Lord.
Fill me, fill us all with Your love
and Holy inspiration and give
us strength to walk with You
into the unknown.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Isaiah 49:16

See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands;
    your walls are continually before me.

O, Lord, You inscribed me on
the palms of Your hands the moment
they nailed You to the tree.

You died for me.
You suffered for me.

You took on my pain.
You took on all of our pain.

You did this because You loved me.
You did this because I am Yours.

I am Your child, and precious and beloved,
and You could not bear to see
the world’s trauma etched on my face.

You could not bear to see the burden
the world gave me, how it weighed heavy
on my back and drove me to my knees.

Your heart hurt, Lord, each time You saw
me trip over the shackles the world gave me,
the shackles of anger, and hate, and apathy.

You saw my tears.
You heard my cries.

You heard my whimpering at night
when the same fears that dogged me
during the day, followed me to my dreams.

And You said, “No more.”

They lifted You on the cross, Lord,
but, in that moment, You lifted me.

That was not defeat inscribed on Your hands;
that was my name and the names of all
my brothers and sisters, both those who
had died and those who had yet to live.

You claimed us that day.
We belong to You and no other.

And so to you, my brothers and sisters,

You are a child of God!

You are a child of the All-Powerful,
of the Ever-Living, of the Burden-Lifter,
of the Chain-Breaker and Spirit-Restorer,

and you can face any storm.
You can stand firm in the whirlwind.
You can lift your eyes and stare
down the evils of this world.

You can do anything.
God has claimed you as His.


Walk With Me

One of the first things I did when I moved to Ohio last year was try and locate a prayer labyrinth to walk.  For years, I had been walking t...