Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lamentations 3:21-22

But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
    his mercies never come to an end.

Even in our darkest days, Lord,
even when the sun seems eclipsed,

casting us into a never-ending night,
as it fails to throw off death’s shroud,

even on these light-barren days,
we have hope, Lord.

We have hope.
We hold onto hope.

We care for that tiny
spark of hope, holding
that tinder, that smoking,
briefly flaring to life, tinder—

we hold it, nestled in our hands,
a nest that holds life that we coax
with our breath even as we hope that
Your breath Lord will bring it to life.

We have hope.
We have hope, Lord,
because we know.

We know that Your love
is unceasing, unwavering,
and because of that love,

on those nights, those dark nights,
we will never be cold, not with Your
love wrapped around us.

And on those nights, those silent nights,
we will never be alone, not with You
sitting right there beside us.

And on those nights, those very long nights,
we will not doubt, and we will not lose hope,
not with Your light shining there next to us.

Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness
to us, for Your unceasing love that fills us,
that blesses us in infinite ways.


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