Friday, June 26, 2020

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear ….

You are loved with
a perfect love

by a God who is

by a God who created
this world with love,

by a God who breathed
into you and gave you
life with His love.

You are a creature of love,

made and formed and crafted
with a perfect love.

And as a creature of love,
what could you possibly fear?

Love stands up.
Love does not bow.
Love looks fear in the eye.

Love pities anger.
Love speaks softly when
others scream with hate.

Love sings hymns in the morning
and lullabies at night.

Love sleeps well and refuses 
to share the bed with worry.

Love never runs on empty.
Love keeps our spirits full.

Love walks with head held high, knowing
they are a child of the Most High.

You are a child of the Most High,
filled with a perfect love
that bathes the world in light.

Whom shall you fear?


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...