Sunday, June 28, 2020

James 2:17

So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

Lord, my words are my works.
Without them my faith is dead.

My words are prayer.
My words are praise.

My words are a plea on
behalf of the spirit inside me,

the soul that holds my
innermost thoughts,

those hidden needs,
those hidden dreams,

a soul that holds both
worry and fear but also
hope and faith and love.

Here in these words, Lord,
You will find my faith.

You will find the passion
and longing that pushes me
out of the bed each morning,

the longing for You, Lord,
that draws me out of the night
and into the blessed sunrise.

Here, Lord, right here, in these words,
I bloom, I reveal, I unfold the pages
of my life, of my story, so I can share
the Good News that You have shown me.

These words are my works.
These words are my testimony,

my witness to Your love and power, Lord,
to a love that is unceasing and ever-expanding,
a love that is rushing forward, even now,
to the outer edges of the universe.

These words are my works.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...