Sunday, June 21, 2020

Psalm 16:11

You show me the path of life.
    In your presence there is fullness of joy;
    in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

O, my friends, that you would
always remember these words.

Your life was not meant
simply to be endured.

Your life was meant to be lived.

This life you live
is not purgatory.

This life you live
is not limbo.

This life you live is not
about treading water
while your legs tire
and the waves threaten
to drag you under.

This life is not about
the wait.

It is not about the promise
of better things right
around the corner.

This life is a gift,
a gift that is not meant
to be buried and tucked away.

It is a gift that God
intends you to use.

It is not a gift that must
sit unopened until the right day.

It is a gift that is meant
to be enjoyed and used today.

Our God is a God of joy
and of love,

a God who laughs and lives
and takes pride and pleasure
in all His children.

A God who knows how precious
and priceless each breath is,

who knows that each heartbeat
is golden and each morning that
we wake and open our eyes
a renewable treasure.

O, my friends, that you would live today,
that you would be filled with God’s love,

that you would know that it is His spirit
that fills your lungs,

that you would use this gift

for His joy,
for your joy,
for the sake of the entire world.


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