Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jeremiah 6:14

They have treated the wound of my people carelessly,
    saying, “Peace, peace,”
    when there is no peace.

I cannot say, Peace
to my brother

when I don’t know
the war he is fighting,

or the struggles of his heart
that tear him apart,

disrupt his sleep,
and rob him of happiness.

How dare I say, Peace
to my sister

when I don’t even know
her name,

when I have looked
the other way,

when she has called out
and cried to me for help?

How can I say, Peace
to my neighbor

from the other side
of the fence?

How can I say, Peace,

when I refuse to open
the door?

How can I say, Peace
to a person

I cannot see,
I cannot hear,

separated as we are
behind this wall?

I can only say, Peace
to myself,

and hope that You, Lord,
hear my prayer,

that You
who hear me,

that You
who see me,

that You, Lord,
will begin to heal me,

for I cannot say, Peace
to others,

until I find that peace
for myself.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...