Friday, June 12, 2020

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Lord, there is a peace
that follows the storm.

There is a peace of purpose,
a peace in knowing
that the storm has ended,

the winds have stilled
and that this is not the calm

before the storm, but the peace
that follows after when the captive 

sun breaks free from the clouds
and reveals Your divine plan.

Lord, it’s the peace
that followed Jonah


spending three days in
the belly of a fish.

It is the peace
that followed Moses


he spoke to the burning bush
and left with his sandals still in his hand.

It is the peace that came
to the disciples

after the crucifixion,
after the resurrection,

after You set tongues
of Holy fire upon them

and sent them into the world
to preach Your Good News.

It is the peace of purpose
that follows the storm.

O, Lord, bring us
that peace today.

Calm the winds.
End the rains.

Let Your divine purpose
break free and shine upon us.

Quiet our restless hearts
and send us into the world
with the strength and courage
of knowing it is Your hand
that guides us.


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