Monday, August 31, 2020

Romans 12:15

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Lord, let me stand
with my neighbor in joy.

Let me stand with them
in revelation, in certitude,

in those times when life explodes
in confetti and streamers,

and all is right,
and all is right.

Let me share in a belly
laugh of innocence.

Let me feel the Holy Strength
of laughter in those whose souls
wander, unfettered and free.

Let me rejoice with those
who rejoice.

Let me share with them
the tears of victory.

Lord, may I stand
with my neighbor
in all things,

not just in joy,
but in mourning and loss.

And so, let me weep, Lord,
with those who weep.

Let me lean into that pain
and lift it for them,

just a little bit—
so that they
have room
to breathe.

Lord, may no one on this earth
ever weep alone.

And in times of joy
and in times of pain,

Lord, let my eyes be forever
filled with tears.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

John 6:67-68

So Jesus asked the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?”  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Lord, where?

Lord, where could I go?

Lord, who would I go to?

There is only You, Lord.
There is only ever You.

It’s why I won’t run
from the storm.

It’s why I won’t give way
to the wind.

It’s why I keep my eyes open
even as the dark clouds build
there across the ocean.

The waves crash.
They tower.
They pound.
They tear apart
and rip away.

But I dig in.
I dig my feet in the sand.

I take a breath,
and I wait for You, Lord,

because I know,
if You are anywhere,
You are here
in the midst of the storm.

And so, I take another breath
and hold it and wait,

because I know
where to find You.

With every step You take
across the water,
the waves will sigh,
their breath catch
and then release as they let
go and calm down.

With Your every breath, Lord,
the winds will settle and still.

And You, Lord,
the Rising Sun,
the Risen Lord,
the Light of the World—

from You, Lord,
the darkness will flee,
and the sky will be wiped
clean and made fresh
and the birds will fly
and sing again.

Lord, to whom would I turn?
I not only wait for You,
I know You and I know You
are coming—soon now, soon.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Isaiah 26:3

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Do you trust me?

Lord, speak to me
when I am anxious.

Lord, speak to me
when the nights seem
to last far too long.

Do you trust me?

Lord, sing to me, softly
when I wrestle with sleep.

Lord, wake me with hymns
when the sunrise isn’t enough.

Do you trust me?

Lord, feed me with the Bread of Life
when my spirit is weak and starving.

Lord, let it rain streams of Living Water
when my spirit is dried and desiccated
and left to wander lost in the desert.

Do you trust me?

Lord, take my hand
when I am all alone.

Lord, guide me out
of the wilderness.

Do you trust me?

Lord, carry me
when my strength is spent.

Lord, comfort me.
Lord, heal me.
Lord, lift me.
Lord, love me.

Do you trust me?



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!”

Here I am.

Those are Your words, Lord.
Those words are Your prayer to me.

Here I am.

And they echo in my soul.
They grow louder, not softer.
They do not fade away.

Here I am.

They are Your words, Lord.
At night before I sleep,
they settle down and curl up,
nestle themselves close to my heart.

Here I am.

In the morning, they throw open
the blinds and bring with them
the heavenly glow of the rising sun.

Here I am.

The words never leave me.
You never leave me, Lord.

Your words are both
a promise and a plea
to be seen, to be known.

Here I am.

Your words are a call that takes root deep within,
but it is not my spirit that nourishes Your words,
rather Your words feed me.

Save me.
Heal me.
Strengthen me.

Here I am.

Your words become a part of me,
until that day I can say back to you—

Here I am, Lord.
Send me.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Psalm 139:8

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
    your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.

Yesterday’s prayer fades fast,
like words written in water
on Moses’ rock, evaporating
like the mist at sunrise.

I wake each morning
and must renew,
must begin again,
and reach deep inside,
scraping the last scraps
of hope from my soul.

This is how I will build my day.
No—this is how God will build my day.
I will offer up to Him all that is still pure—
my innocence, my optimism, my faith—
but is beginning to wither under
the harsh light of the world’s judgement.

I will offer up to God everything
the world has tried to throw away,
my passion, my zeal, my desire to serve,
my desire to heal and to love—
to God I will lift these up, whatever remains,

and then I will wait for God
to do His God-thing
and take these scraps, these castaways
and replant them in fertile soil
and nourish them with Living Water.

I will wait for God to speak,
to sing to all that’s good within me.
I will wait for all that’s good to grow.

I will do this daily.
Every morning I will begin again.
Every morning I will pray.


Monday, August 24, 2020

2 Timothy 1:7

 For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.

Though I may be afraid, Lord,
the spirit You have put inside me
is not one of fear, but one of love.

And that love fuels the light within me,
that love fuels the fight within me.

My resolve is pure and strong.
Fear will not win this day.

If I am to be Your light, Lord,
if I am to be Your light keeper,

if I am to run that last mile
as the bearer of Your holy flame,
then fill me to bursting with Your love.

Let Your love radiate through my body.
Let the heat of Your light ignite my spirit
and let it burn only for righteousness and truth.

If fear rides in on darkness,
then love rides in on light,
brandishing the Sword of the Spirit

and driving the darkness back
over the barren and hungry desert
from which it crawled out.

We are the watchmen.
We are the light keepers.

We are the first to see
the approaching darkness
and the first to sound the warning.

We stand firm.
We stand ready.

We stand filled with Your light, Lord,
and able, with Your love, to withstand any storm.

We stand, empowered with the Spirit of Love.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Psalm 138:3

On the day I called, you answered me,
    you increased my strength of soul.

Lord, strengthen my soul.
Breathe life to my spirit.

Lay your cool hand
on my forehead

and bring comfort
to my feverish grief.

In times of darkness,
in times of blindness,

draw out the light
from deep within me.

Coax out that light
with reminders of better days,

of sweet summer showers,
of bike rides in the rain,

of innocence captured,
in that moment you let go

of the handlebars and lift
your hands to the sky.

Remind me of the days
when anything was possible

and faith unnecessary
as the One who is always faithful,
has been and forever will be present.

Give oxygen.
Give fuel.

Lord, feed the light inside of me.
Let Your Spirit-filled altar candle burn.

Feed the flames of Your Holy Fire.
For no darkness can touch,

no darkness can snuff out
the light that grows from within.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Psalm 6:3

My soul is in deep anguish.
    How long, Lord, how long?

How long, O Lord, how long?

It’s like the refrain to a song
that I cannot get out of my head,

an anguished plea whose notes
are played and felt deep within my soul,

a song played out of step, out of tempo,
out of time with the anxious beating of my heart.

How long, O Lord, how long?

The whole world groans under the weight
of so much suffering, of so much illness,
of so much soul sickness that it cannot rest.

The world sits awake at night,
in the darkness, clutching its blanket
to its chin and calling out—

How long, O Lord, how long?

Lord, where is the light in all this darkness,
the lighthouse swinging its massive beam of hope
from horizon to horizon?

Lord, I am so desperate for Your light,
I would take just a candle in the window.

I would take the tiniest flicker of hope
and I would follow it.

I would get down on my knees
and crawl to it.

Just show me the path, Lord,
and I promise I won’t walk alone.

I will grab the nearest hand
and together we will walk,

together we will take the hands
of others and we will all walk

out of the darkness,
out of the night,
out of helplessness and despair,

and move instead into a new morning,
a new sunrise where we can be bathed,
our spirits forever renewed in the light of hope.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Job 19:25

For I know that my Redeemer lives ….

Lord on the mornings
I wake rough,

when everything feels
too tight

and the sunrise super itchy
on the one spot on my back
that I cannot reach,

when I’m ready to give up
on the day,

ready to roll over
and go back to sleep

before I have even taken
that first breath
and tasted the dawn,

on those days Lord,
lift me up,

gently please,
and set me on my feet.

Redeem for me the morning.
Hydrate me with hope.

Redeem for me the noonday sun.
Feed me the deliciously sweet fruit of faith
to strengthen me for the rest of the day.

Redeem for me the night
and let me hear, let me feel

Your love for me as You sing
to me a lullaby that only my soul
remembers the words to.

Redeem me for the day.
Redeem me for all the moments.

Let no second of my day
go untouched by You.


Walk With Me

One of the first things I did when I moved to Ohio last year was try and locate a prayer labyrinth to walk.  For years, I had been walking t...