Sunday, August 30, 2020

John 6:67-68

So Jesus asked the twelve, “Do you also wish to go away?”  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Lord, where?

Lord, where could I go?

Lord, who would I go to?

There is only You, Lord.
There is only ever You.

It’s why I won’t run
from the storm.

It’s why I won’t give way
to the wind.

It’s why I keep my eyes open
even as the dark clouds build
there across the ocean.

The waves crash.
They tower.
They pound.
They tear apart
and rip away.

But I dig in.
I dig my feet in the sand.

I take a breath,
and I wait for You, Lord,

because I know,
if You are anywhere,
You are here
in the midst of the storm.

And so, I take another breath
and hold it and wait,

because I know
where to find You.

With every step You take
across the water,
the waves will sigh,
their breath catch
and then release as they let
go and calm down.

With Your every breath, Lord,
the winds will settle and still.

And You, Lord,
the Rising Sun,
the Risen Lord,
the Light of the World—

from You, Lord,
the darkness will flee,
and the sky will be wiped
clean and made fresh
and the birds will fly
and sing again.

Lord, to whom would I turn?
I not only wait for You,
I know You and I know You
are coming—soon now, soon.


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