Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!”

Here I am.

Those are Your words, Lord.
Those words are Your prayer to me.

Here I am.

And they echo in my soul.
They grow louder, not softer.
They do not fade away.

Here I am.

They are Your words, Lord.
At night before I sleep,
they settle down and curl up,
nestle themselves close to my heart.

Here I am.

In the morning, they throw open
the blinds and bring with them
the heavenly glow of the rising sun.

Here I am.

The words never leave me.
You never leave me, Lord.

Your words are both
a promise and a plea
to be seen, to be known.

Here I am.

Your words are a call that takes root deep within,
but it is not my spirit that nourishes Your words,
rather Your words feed me.

Save me.
Heal me.
Strengthen me.

Here I am.

Your words become a part of me,
until that day I can say back to you—

Here I am, Lord.
Send me.


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