Monday, August 10, 2020

Romans 10:13

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Save me, Lord,
not for tomorrow’s sake,

not for promises made
so far into the future,
so far down the road,

they appear as heat ripples
above the pavement
and are dismissed as mirages,

but instead, Lord,
save me for today.

Save me for the promise
You make every day

when I wake
and open my eyes,

the promise that despite the storms
that upend my life,

despite the haze of doubt
that obscures the sun

and the message of Hope
it carries in its light,

the promise that despite my failings
and all the anxiety I take up on
my shoulders and bring with me each day,

that each breath I take,
is a breath taken in Your Kingdom, Lord,

that each heartbeat
is yet another percussive drumbeat
in the orchestra of Your Kingdom, Lord,

that when I stand on the beach
and taste the salt on my lips,
I am tasting the salt of the Kingdom, Lord,

that each blink of the eye
is a snapshot

Grain of sand.)

of Your Kingdom.

Your Kingdom, Lord, is here now.
Your promise is fulfilled today.

When I walk, I am walking in Your love,
Your gift of love, and that love

washes over me, it knocks me off my feet
and my joy has never been greater.

Your Kingdom, Lord, is today, and always.


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