Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Psalm 42:1-2

As a deer longs for flowing streams,
    so my soul longs for you, O God.
 My soul thirsts for God,
    for the living God.
When shall I come and behold
    the face of God?

Lord, my spirit is restless
these days.

I feel like I’m treading water,
when I’d rather be swimming oceans.

I wander, but I’m not lost,
I just have no place to go.

Where are You, Lord?

I am hungry.
I am thirsty.

But, I need more than bread and water.
I need the Bread of Life and Living Water.

I hunger and thirst for You, Lord.

I ache with longing for You, Lord.

I cry out like a child abandoned at the park,
surrounded by hundreds of people,

none of whom are her parents,
and not one of them knows the way home.

And yet, even when my spirit feels
restless and abandoned,

my heart beats on and sounds
out a familiar tune.

I know I have not been abandoned.
I know that I am loved.

I just don’t know where to find You, Lord.

But I do know this—I know You are not hiding
from me.

We are not playing some cosmic game
of Hide and Seek.

You are not hidden, Lord.
You are not hiding behind that rock
or that tree.

You are the rock.
You are the tree.

You are the deer, frozen and still
and staring.

You are everywhere
and You are looking for me.

So, I call out to You, Lord.
Find me, now, please,

for I am tired and lonely
and anxious to get on with my life.

But I won’t do it without You.
I can’t do it without You.

So, please, find me, now, I pray.


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