Thursday, August 6, 2020

Hebrews 5:9

Having been made perfect, he became to all of those who obey him the author of eternal salvation.

Lord, You are the Author of my salvation,
the Author of my hope,

and there is no one I trust more
to tell the story of my life.

You know all my beginnings,
and all my endings,
and everything in between.

You have penned my cliffhangers,
and only You know what happens next.

I am never unfinished.
I am never abandoned.

I am never left to sit abandoned
on top of Your desk, years of sunlight

yellowing my pages as the words 
of my story fade to nothing.

No, You treasure my story.
It sits on the nightstand next to Your bed.

Yes, I may feel like a rough draft sometimes,
imperfect and meandering through life,

but that’s only because I can’t see
the perfect ending You have crafted for me.

I am not privy to Your vision, Lord,
Your thoughts, that drive and direct my life,
but I know I can rest my hope in You.

My story is just one chapter 
in the Greatest Story.

And I am just one star in the sky 
that You showed to Abraham.

You are the One who promises to fill
all our unrealized dreams.

And no matter how much I may wish
that You would write faster here,
and slower here on these pages,

and no matter how much I may long
to peek at the ending,

there is no rushing perfection
and there is no cheating with spoilers.

You ask only for our trust 
and our faith in tomorrow.


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