Sunday, July 5, 2020

Isaiah 44:22

I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud,
    and your sins like mist;
return to me, for I have redeemed you.

Come home.
All is forgiven.

This is the Lord,
our God,
the Father,
the Mother,
the Parent,

standing on the front porch,
waiting for those headlights
to appear down the road.

The night grows chilly,
but God remains,
with tears in His eyes
and a longing in His heart,

waiting for us,
waiting to hold us
in His arms once more.

Did you know this?

Did you know that God
longs for you?

Did you know that He
aches for you?

That He dreams of you?

And did you know this?

God has never left you.
He is with you now,
standing beside you,
laughing with you,
weeping with you.

He has never left you.
You have never been abandoned.

You see, this is the lie
that sin tells you,
that you are not worthy,

that you have failed,
that you are irredeemable,
that God wants nothing
to do with you.

Sin blinds you to God’s presence.
Sin deafens you to God’s call.

Sin binds you and holds you back,
whenever God reaches out
to draw you nearer to Him.

But He has never left you.
He is just waiting for you to see,
for you to push sin aside
and see Him, there, arms open.

God is home.


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