Thursday, April 2, 2020

One Touch

Lord, You touched the eyes of the blind,
and they could see.

You touched the hands of the sick,
and they were healed.

You touch, You touch, and all are healed.

And Lord, today, I pray for Your touch,
that all who hurt, that all who grieve,
that all who have lost hope in this time,

would feel Your arms around them,
holding them tight and they would not doubt,
not for one second, Your love, Your presence,

that You, Lord, would be not just the Great Healer,
but also the Great Comforter, the Father, the Mother,
the one who holds us tight and speaks such love
as to chase all our fears back into the shadows,
and all our nightmares out into the light of morning,

that You would hold us, Lord,
that You would be that embrace,
that kiss, that stroke on the arm,
that brush of hair away from our eyes,

that You would be all things to us,
but especially that You would be
that one thing that we are all missing,

that touch,
that affirmation of a love so deep,
no words can express, that healing
love that we are so desperate for.

Comfort me, Lord, in all the ways
I need to be comforted.

Comfort us, Lord, in all the ways
we wish we could comfort others.

With one touch.


Matthew 8:15
Matthew 9:29
Isaiah 40:1

1 comment:

God Loves Me

This past Friday, I stepped outside to get pictures of the rain for my next book.  The heavier rain had tapered off to a simple drizzle and ...