Thursday, June 4, 2020

Romans 8:26

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

Lord, I stand on the shore
of humanity and stare out
at an ocean of pain,

an ocean that roars,
an ocean that rages and crashes
and beats itself against the rocks.

Lord, humanity suffers.
It cries out to you as
the tide of fear sweeps

in and takes with it
the very ground
beneath our feet.

We are as fragile as
yesterday’s sandcastle,
worn away by wind and water,

our hope, like sand, swept
back out to sea.

Lord the needs of this world
are so great, I simply cannot
find the words I need to pray.

I can only speak the very first
language I learned,
the very first language we all learned …

A cry.

Lord, You hear my cry.
You hear all our cries.

You sit so close to our spirits
that our hearts beat as one.

Your tears match our own.
Your great sighs echo our own.

No one knows us better, Lord.
Bring healing to us now.
Heal the parts of us which today
are so raw, so sensitive, that we flinch
even to a kind touch or a loving word.

Heal us, Lord.
Fill us with Your love.


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