Friday, June 5, 2020

Micah 6:8

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Lord, come with me, please
on my morning walk and show
me whatever it is I need to see.

Tell me the name of the butterfly
that settles on the wildflowers
at dawn to dry its large, black wings.

Take my hand, Lord, and lead me down
the path to forgotten gardens, secreted
away among the pines and guarded, barred
by the owl who watches me from above.

Let me kneel in the damp earth, there
among the fallen leaves and dragonflies,
and make my confession to the cardinals
as they sing their morning hymns.

And then, Lord, when you think
I’m ready, take me from this church
to Your church—the people.

Take me to the place where people
capture Your creation in rooftop gardens
and try to find prayerful silence in a world
drowning in a cacophony of human suffering.

Take me to the place where everyone
is shouting, but no one has a voice,
a place where people scrawl their pain
and tag their fears in paint on signs and walls.

Take me to the place, Lord, where people
have forgotten You, where Justice has become
a myth and Mercy is the gift of fools.

Lord, I have been blind.
For too long, I have turned away
from the world and buried myself
in my own needs.

I have slept through wars and famine.
I have drawn the curtain over
the window to other people’s pain.
I have turned up the radio instead of
answering that desperate knock at the door.

Lord, open my eyes.
Lord, wake me from my sleep.
Lord, push me into the world.

Lord, humble me.

Make me an instrument of Your peace.


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