Tuesday, June 9, 2020

1 John 4:16

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.

When I weep with you,
when I grieve with you,

when we welcome and share
each other’s tears,

(John 11:35)

when I hunger and thirst
for you,

when I walk the desert
for you,

when I step in and stand up
for you,

when I push back the devil
and his lies for you,

(Matthew 16:23)

when I walk with you
on your journey,

when I join you on your road
to Emmaus

and break bread with you,

(Luke 24:30)

when I say your name,
when I acknowledge you,

when I tell you I have not
abandoned you,

but am still here with you,
and I see you,

(John 20:16)

when I take your hand
and point to the cross,

and tell you just how much
God loves you,

and, oh, how He loves you,

(John 3:16)

when I tell you how He will
always welcome you home,

no matter how lost and how long
the journey has taken you,

(Luke 15:11-32)

when I do these things for you,
I am telling you this ….

God loves you.
I love you.

You are loved.
You abide in love.

You abide in God,
and God with you.


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