Friday, May 22, 2020

Psalm 96:11-12

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice.
    Let the sea roar, and its fullness!  
Let the field and all that is in it exult!
    Then all the trees of the woods shall sing for joy…. 

This morning, I will wake,
and I will sing.

I will make a joyful noise
and I will bless Your holy name.

I will sing—wait, no—
not this morning.

This morning, I will wake,
and I will listen.

I will sit in the darkness
and listen and wait
for the world to sing,

for the world to find
its voice, to find its hymn,

to unleash its joy and let
it run free and unbound.

I will wait.
I will rise
and I will wait.

This morning, I will wait at the beach.
I will wait for the ocean’s hymn.

I will put my hand
to the ground and let
my fingers sink into the sand.

I will wait for that rumble,
for that buildup as the ocean
waves slam into the shore,

and then retreat—
and pull back.

I will let the water
pool around my feet
and tickle my toes.

Just wait, the ocean speaks.

Just wait.

And then it comes again,
the voice, the song,
riding the white-capped waves.

This is the ocean’s hymn.
This is how it sings Your praise, Lord.

This is how it thunders.
This is how it roars.
This is how it lives its song.

This is how it gives testimony
to Your great strength, Lord.

And then—when it pulls back again,
when the waters still,
when the wind calm and the sun sets,

the ocean still sings,
but this time, this time
its hymn is a lullaby.

And this is how the ocean
gives testimony not just
to Your great strength, Lord,

but also to Your grace
and gentleness and peace.

This is the ocean’s hymn.



  1. I love it!
    Thanks for sharing your prayers again!

  2. Writing these prayers brings me so much joy!



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