Thursday, May 21, 2020

Psalm 34:8

O taste and see that the Lord is good.

Lord, I walk into Your morning,
sometimes sprinting,
sometimes stumbling
into Your day, but always

moving Lord, leaving the sunrise
behind me and setting sights
on the sunset down the road.

I live for Your world, Lord.
I live for all the ways
it embraces me, holds me.

I live for rainy days.
I live for the smell of rain,
I live for the air so thick

and rich with the promise
of rain that the birds above
cease to fly and begin to swim.

I live for sound, Lord,
for the laughter of the roofers,
for the language they speak
that sings, for the music, for the pop
of the nail gun and whine of the drill.

I live for the smell
of freshly cut lumber,
of the wood that takes me
back to my childhood
and puts me in the craft
room with my mother

as she takes out a piece
of raw pine, still sticky and yellow
with sap in parts and begins
to paint her scenes,
to paint life and freeze moments
to paint movement and freeze it still.

I live for the seconds, Lord,
not the minutes, not the hours,
but the seconds, the flashes

of life, the flashes of You,
the flashes of light, gone
in an instant but remaining,

lingering for seconds after,
as an afterimage,
the shadow of Your presence.

Oh Lord, even Your shadow
holds life and meaning
and purpose and all the secrets
and answers to the ponderings
of the child’s heart within me.

Oh Lord, I live for this.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...