Sunday, May 3, 2020

Let Me Thirst

Lord, from the moment, I awake,
from the moment I open my eyes

and slip from sleep,
and leave my dreams
to fade with the night,

fill me with need,
fill me with longing.

Let me turn to You and draw
strength from Your well,

a well filled with a living water
that never grows stagnant or stale.

Lord, if I am to be thirsty,
let me thirst only for You.

Lord, if I am to be hungry,
let me hunger only for You.

Lord, if I am to ache,
let my spirit ache for You.

Let my heart, hardened and scarred
from the battle, beat again
and find its rhythm in the hymns
of a Sunday morning choir.

Oh Lord, be so very gracious to me.


Psalm 86:16

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