Tuesday, April 7, 2020

You Are My Rock

Lord, you are my refuge.
You are my rock.
You are my hope

and to You, I turn
when I am lost
and twisted about
in the shadows of night.

To You, I turn, Lord,
searching for You,
always searching

and leaning into
and then running
toward Your light.

You, Lord, are my refuge.
You are my light.

You are the full moon
that breaks apart the night sky,
that scatters the shadows
and shows me the path home.

You, Lord, are my hope.
You are my promise.

You are the one who breathes
life into the lone hibiscus,
nestled amongst the dead branches,
somehow both sun-bleached
and water-logged and yet surviving,
still, both drought and storm.

You, Lord, are my rock.
It is always You that I return to.
You are my constant.

You are there in the bougainvillea,
bright crimson red popping against
all that green, never failing to bloom,
a true survivor that thrives
even in the worst of times.

And so, I will hope continually, Lord,
and I will praise Your name forever.

Psalm 71:1-14

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