Friday, April 17, 2020

My Soul Will Rejoice

In the stillness of dawn,
before the world wakes,
I will sit with You, Lord.

We will sit in silence.
I will not have to say a word,
for You discern my thoughts from afar.*

We will sit and our knees
will brush up against each other,
and I will lean in and rest
my head on Your shoulder,

and I will breathe.

And after a moment, a minute,
an eternity (what is time when you
are with God) the sky will turn
and the deepest darkness
will begin to fade to gray.

The mockingbird will begin to sing.
The cardinal will call out for his mate.
A small tongue of fire, a pink flame
of light, will emerge on the horizon.

We will sit, Lord, and watch the sunrise.
And my heart will be glad,**
and my soul will rejoice.


*Psalm 16:9
**Psalm 139:2

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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...