Thursday, April 16, 2020

My Portion II

Lord, You are the sun
streaming through
the tall trees
and lighting the path
in front of me.

You are the light
that I follow, but also
the shadows, the dark,
dancing leaves waving
hello in the breeze
and saying,

“Stop, rest here
in the heat of the day.”

Lord, You are the two
butterflies, butter-colored
and small, circling and darting,
dancing with one another
as they alight here
on this blade of grass
and here on this purple bloom.

You, Lord, are the one
who makes me smile.

You Lord, are the burbling
and gurgling and cooing stream
that giggles with delight
as it pours and slips and slides
over the furry, mossy rocks.

Lord, You are the storm.
You are the blackened clouds,
filled to bursting and then exploding
in a torrent of rain that rides
the wind and sweeps across
the fields like white-capped rapids.

You are everything, Lord.
Remind me of that, Lord, daily.
Remind me that You are everything
I will ever want, and You are many things
that I wasn’t even aware that I needed.

You are my portion, Lord.
You show me the path
and in You is fullness of joy.


Psalm 16:5, 11

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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...