Tuesday, April 28, 2020

If Today You Hear His Voice

Lord, in order to hear
Your voice, 

I must make myself

I must still and silence the worries 
that have gone viral within 
and now choke my spirit and heart.

I must crouch low.
I must kneel.
I must embrace the earth.

I must be willing to
shut my eyes and wait.

I must find joy in the wait.
I must find joy in the preparation.

Only then can I hear
Your song.

Only then can I hear You
in the percussive beat
of the owl’s wings
as it flies low, searching
among the shadows for food.

Only then can I hear You
in the trumpeting call
of the limpkin, the sandhill crane,
demanding to be heard.

Only then can I hear You
in the morning dirge
of the mourning dove, cooing,
praying softly as the sun rises.

Only then can I hear You
in the sweet song of the cowbird
that rises and falls like water
racing over rocks in a stream.

Oh, Lord, that today
I might hear Your voice,
and in finding You, find life.


Psalm 95:7
Proverbs 8:35

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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...