Thursday, April 30, 2020

I Lift up my Soul

To You, Oh Lord,
I lift up my soul.

When I am helpless
but not hopeless,

I give myself,
over to You,

for I have been
a poor caretaker,

having abandoned my spirit
too many times,

having forgotten it, left it outside,
cold and wet, during the storm,

having left it to fend for itself 
when it was starving,

having ignored its cries
when it was thirsty,

and so, I bring myself
back to You, Lord,

back to my Creator,
the One who first breathed life

to my soul and set
me on this journey.

Lord, I have failed You.
My spirit is broken,

broken but breathing.
There is life in me yet.

Heal me, Lord, on this day.
Fix me, mend me, strengthen me,

and then shove me, throw me,
push me out onto the path,
because that is how much faith
You have in me.  You know I can do this.

And that is the faith
I need right now.
Your faith, Lord. 
So, gladden my soul please.
It is You that I need.

Psalm 86:4

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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...