Friday, May 8, 2020

Your Sacred Song

Lord, You are my refuge,
the One I turn to,
the One I run to,
the One I listen for

when the song of fear
has permeated my heart
and played itself on repeat
for far too long.

Fear is a discordant tune,
filled with dissonant chords,
grating as it scratches and claws
and tunnels its way to my heart.

Lord, I need a new song,
today, I need a new verse
to take hold of my soul.

I need Your song, Your music
to recapture my heart
and shake loose
all my seeds of doubt.

And so, I listen for You.

I listen for the drumbeat
of a thousand angels marching,
pounding their feet into the earth
as they prepare the way for You.

I listen for the trumpets,
for the lyres and harps,
for the cymbals
for all the instruments
of Your sacred song.

I long to feel Your song.
I long to feel it build
and then surge,
and then burst,
flooding me with
the notes of creation.

Yes, Lord, I long for Your sacred song.

But sometimes, there are no trumpets,
no drums, no rhythmic beat
for my heart to match in time.

Sometimes there is just a whisper.
Sometimes Your song, Lord, is a hymn
and sometimes it is a lullaby.

Sometimes it is sung softly,
settling under the notes of the wind,
rattling the magnolia leaves.

Sometimes Your song is rainfall.
It is ocean waves.
It is the sound of my mother
saying my name.

But whether lullaby or hymn, Lord,
Your song is what I need.

Let me hear Your sacred song today.


Psalm 150:5
1 Chronicles 16:42
Psalm 91:9-10

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