Saturday, May 30, 2020

John 11:35

Jesus wept.

Jesus wept
even knowing
that Lazarus
would rise again.

He wept.
He wept
with Mary
and with Martha.

He entered into—
He walked into—
He dove into—

their pain and shared
with them their grief
and now His.

He wept.
He wept
because He loved.

He grieved,
because in order
to grieve, you must
first love.

You cannot mourn
if you have never loved.

Lord, I weep.

I grieve for
friends and family
and all things lost.

And, as of late, Lord,
I weep for this world.

I weep for those who have lost—

I weep for those driven into
the ground by knee, by foot, by hate.

I weep for those who somehow don’t know
any better and wear ignorance like a badge.

I weep for those who have carried
their burden for so long, they have been
forced to their knees and told to crawl.

I weep for Your children, Lord.
I weep for my brothers and sisters
because I don’t know how to take
away their pain.  I only know how to pray.

I weep for the world, Lord,
and I know You weep with me,
because I know we both love this world,

and I know that like Lazarus,
this world will rise again,
but until then, I weep and I pray.


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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...