Thursday, April 9, 2020

To Serve ... With Love

The other day, I was talking to Pastor Debbie about what an odd Lenten season this has been and how hard Holy Week will be when so many of us are isolated at home.  

I jokingly said that I guessed there wouldn't be a lot of foot-washing at this Maundy Thursday service.  Maybe a lot of hand-washing, I added.

Pastor Debbie was silent for a moment and then she said, "You know what Sandy is doing for you ... by bringing food to you?  That's foot-washing.  That's serving.  There's a lot of foot-washing going on these days."

And that was my inspiration for this morning's prayer on this Maundy Thursday.

A reminder to let us serve one another.


Lord, let us serve.

Lord, let us wash
each other’s feet.

Let us cry
each other’s tears.

Let us turn
toward one another

when we see
our neighbor hurting,

when we see
our neighbor fearful,

when we see
our neighbor hungry.

Let us walk toward
rather than run away from.

Let us lend
to one another a hand.

Let us pull
each other up.

Let us lift
each other up in prayer.

Let us serve
as Jesus served
with love, always.


John 13:14-15


  1. What great insight! Today, because of your poem, I thought of the song Day by Day, with just the same thought of serving, loving and seeing more dearly—Day by Day!

    1. Thank you for introducing me to a new song!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


God Loves Me

This past Friday, I stepped outside to get pictures of the rain for my next book.  The heavier rain had tapered off to a simple drizzle and ...