Sunday, December 13, 2020

A Prayer for Healing

 I pray that when you wake
to the day


that this would be a new morning

for you,


that God would work in you

to make all things new,


that He would lay

a cool hand

on your forehead

and chase away

any fever dreams

you might be suffering,


that you would breathe—easy,

that with every breath,

you would be filled with

the Breath of the Spirit

and that you would

be made whole again.


That you would know,

that you would never doubt

that the Lord is your keeper,

and with Him by your side

the sun will not strike you—by day,

nor the moon—by night.

He will guard you and guide you.

He will never leave you.


May you know 

and feel secure in 

His love, always.



For Gaida.

Walk With Me

One of the first things I did when I moved to Ohio last year was try and locate a prayer labyrinth to walk.  For years, I had been walking t...