Sunday, March 31, 2024

This Easter Sunday


There is a small,

whisper-thin, grayish

bird, building a nest

outside my living room window,

up on top of the porch post.


I watch her,

and hold my breath

when she lands

and exhale sadly

when she leaves.


It is a gray morning,

wet and storming,

and I worry for her

that all her hard work

will find itself lifted

by the wind,

dancing and spinning

in the air before falling apart.


But don’t we all—

fall apart sometimes?

And then build ourselves

up again?  Don’t we?


Afterall today is Easter

and just the other day

was the crucifixion

and everything fell apart,

but now it is storming

and the thunder is not

God bowling with the angels,

as we were told as children.


No, this is Easter

and that crack of thunder

is the stone being rolled

away from the tomb.


Did you think the resurrection

was peaceful?


Did you picture blue skies

and clouds parting like the Red Sea?


Did you think Mary skipped her

way to the tomb, humming

and pausing, Snow-White-like,

to talk to the bees

and sing with the birds?


It was Easter that broke

the world.

It was the day when

God said, “No, no,

I don’t think the world

can ever be the same.”


The birds know this of course.

They have always known

about the cyclical nature of life,

how things die and dash apart,

how what seems like a lifetime of work

on a nest can be lost to one gust

from a storm that couldn’t be bothered

to know there was a nest there.


And yet, each spring,

we welcome life back.

We hold up our hands

and say “Yes, yes, come, come.”

I am ready for it all, goodness

even the spiders, but don’t tell them that.


And so I watch the tiny, gray bird

building her nest and I smile,

and the cats chirp at her behind

the safety of the glass,

and I’m rooting for her,

as God roots for us all,

roots for life to win,

for love to win

always and every day,

not just on Sundays.




I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...