Monday, May 11, 2020

This is the New Morning

This Lord,
this morning,
this feels like
a new morning.

This feel like
a new beginning,
a new start, unused,
fresh from the package.

The tears
I cried were
for yesterday.

The Hope
and Joy I feel
are for today.

Lord, I pray
that You keep
Hope alive.

I pray that even
on days when there
is not enough Joy to
keep the flame burning,

that there will
always be enough
of Your Good News

to coax and spark
that ember of Hope
back to life.

Lord, You are enough.
You are all I need.
You are the One I cling to.

You are the One I follow,
the one who lifts me up so
that I do not trip or stumble.

You lead me
from the sunset
to the sunrise.

You weep with me,
during those dark nights,

You hold me.
You stay with me.
You do not let me go.

Though I may sleep,
You neither slumber nor sleep.
You stay up with me through the night,

and then you gently
wake me with Your own
tears of joy as the sun rises

on a new morning.

This is the new morning
You have promised us Lord.
Open our eyes so that we can see.
Wake us now from our troubled dreams.

This is the beginning.

Psalm 121

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I have to say that given all my health problems, I have been so blessed to have never needed surgery up until this point in my life.  Though...